Yarn Information
Check out Lion Brand® Yarn's support articles related to yarn information.
This chart estimates how much yarn you will need for specific crafts. To download a PDF of this, click here....
Yes, you may use two strands of a finer weight yarn held together to approximate the gauge of a thicker...
Most Lion Brand yarns come in "pull skeins" or "center pull balls". These include balls like Vanna's Choice, Wool-Ease, Babysoft,...
The gauge of your pattern determines which weight of yarn you should select. You can use any yarn that has...
The best and most accurate measure for calculating amounts is yards, and all Lion Brand yarns give yardage for that...
The gauge of your pattern determines which weight of yarn you should select. You can use any yarn that has...
Here's a short video explaining the difference between yarn weights: If you need more information, click here for a visual...
Yarn is usually "put up" or packaged in one of the following ways: 1. In a skein (pronounced "skān"), a...
The softness in Homespun is achieved by a loose spinning process. Because of this loose spinning, bunching will sometimes occur--more...
Chenille yarns have a tendency to "worm" their way out of stitches because of the way the yarn is constructed....