Yarn Information
Check out Lion Brand® Yarn's support articles related to yarn information.
Yardage is the number of yards in the skein or ball. This is important to know if you are going...
A dye lot is the batch the yarn was dyed in. All of the yarn in one batch will be...
Ply is another word for strand. The number of strands that are twisted together to form the yarn is equal...
Natural Fiber Lion Brand offers both 100% natural fiber yarns and blends of natural fibers with acrylic to create affordably...
You'll find complete descriptions and color swatches of all our yarns at https://www.lionbrand.com/collections/all-yarns.
Alpine Wool, Lion Wool, Fishermen's Wool, LB Collection Organic Wool, and LB Collection Pure Wool will felt.
Lion Cotton (formerly known as Kitchen Cotton) and LB 1878 are available in cones.
You’ll notice that Lion Brand Yarn labels now feature universal care symbols. Rather than using long, complicated washing and cleaning...
Yes you can, but it's difficult to see your stitches. Use a good light and work slowly.
Frosts Fine, shiny threads are spun around the plys so the yarn glimmers like frost haze. Heathers Fibers of similar...